One idea that could catch on here is the community
purchase of energy – individually we may get regularly fleeced by the energy
companies, but, a collective purchase of energy may mean that we can cut a
better deal with the energy suppliers. The idea of collective buying of energy
has been tried for the first time in Cornwall where it has saved households on
average £130 per year on their fuel bills.
The scheme, Cornwall Together, aims to help households
across the county save an estimated £3.7 million through cheaper energy
tariffs. If things go according to plan it is hoped more than 20,000 people
across Cornwall may be able to reduce their energy bills by 10-15%. This may be
first time an entire community county has united to buy energy more cheaply,
enabling it to also tackle economic problems, encourage environmental
sustainability and improve people’s health and well-being.
Basically Residents register their interest with the
scheme to find a cheaper energy tariff, providing details of their current fuel
bills. Then Cornwall Together will negotiate on behalf of all those that have
registered to get best value tariffs. As well as identifying best value deals,
wherever possible a green energy option will be offered. For each energy
switch, 10% of the total money saved will be put back into a fuel poverty fund
which will benefit the whole county. Cornwall Together will then seek
match-funding from other organisations.
The scheme was conceived by the Eden Project, Cornwall
Together was originally pioneered by Cornwall Council, the NHS, Community
Energy Plus and Community Buying UnLtd. They have been joined by delivery
partners energyshare – the community renewable energy platform – and, the independent price comparison and switching service. St Austell
Brewery and Unison are also supporting the scheme, promoting it to their staff
and also helping Cornwall Together reach vulnerable members of the community.
Collectively, Cornish households currently spend
around £1.2 billion pounds on energy each year. According to the NHS
approximately some 25% of these households in Cornwall are in fuel poverty.
Across the UK the average household energy bill has risen by 140% a year since
2004 (from £ 522 to £ 1,254 pounds per year). Cornwall Together aims to secure
cheaper energy bills for residents, helping to reduce fuel poverty in the
county – and its associated health risks.
The idea of collective buying of energy may be
catching on, as Consumer Futures (the new National Consumer Council) wants the
Welsh government to promote collective switching to help fight fuelpoverty. Merthyr Valleys Housing is
currently talking to its tenants about starting a scheme. While community
purchasing of energy is not a perfect solution to the problem of high energy
costs it may well be an idea that is coming into its own and may provide a
degree of protection from the worst excesses of the alleged free market for
Could Plaid organise such a scheme? It would be a good way of promoting the party.