Thursday 8 April 2010


Only a strong Plaid team of MP's who can act as local champions for their constituents can be trusted to break the Westminster bubble and deliver the best deal for the communities of Wales in a hung or balanced Parliament. Our communities have been particularly ill-served by New Labour and previous more Conservative Governments. The last thing our communities in Wales need is more of the same, it was politics as usual got us into this sleaze ridden mess, as did MP's who sought to further their political careers within their London based parties, at the expense of their constituents needs e.g. Jessica Morden (Newport East) and Wayne David (Caerphilly) to name but two.

We need independently minded MP's who will stand up for their constituents needs and aspirations and the issues that really matter, who will be much more than mere lobby fodder. Whether you live in Amlwych or Chepstow only Plaid MP's can be counted on to put the needs of their communities first. There is a real danger that this Westminster election campaign will turn into an argument between Brown, Clegg and Cameron about who is going to cut the hardest and the deepest, so that they can continue to bail out their banker chums in the City.

It's worth remembering that it was New Labour and the Conservatives who were willing to allow the deregulation of the banks and the subsequent mismanagement of the UK’s finances. It was these same London parties – Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems – who are more than happy to be bought (sorry funded) by the same big corporations, the same banks and city financiers who helped get us into this economic mess in the first place. This is the real legacy of the cosy Westminster club and you wonder why people feel let down and disillusioned.

However, to coin a phrase it does not have to be this way - there is a real choice available in Wales. Only Plaid can be depended upon to ensure greater support for our pensioners and fairer funding for the Welsh budget to protect jobs, schools and hospitals, with more Plaid MP's we can guarantee that the needs of Wales will count for something, especially within a hung parliament and get a better deal for Wales.

Plaid MP and leader of the Westminster group, Elfyn Llwyd said:

Plaid MPs are now synonymous with ambitious campaigns motivated by justice and fairness – whether it was the Impeachment campaign against Blair or compensation for miners – there are examples of issues where Plaid has led the way. It is undoubtedly because of Plaid MPs’ repeated efforts to hold the Government to account over the illegality of the immoral Iraq War that the current Chilcot Inquiry is underway – one which we hope will finally get to the truth of the matter. No other party has been consistent over Iraq and now we are the only party to being calling for a phased withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Plaid is the party that can be trusted to care about business growth, to care about our communities, to care about creating a better future for the people of Wales. But We need an even stronger team in Westminster. My appeal is that people do not waste their vote on May the 6th on yet another Labour, Tory or Lib Dem MP to toe their London party line. Vote for an independent-thinking Plaid MP who puts your area first. “With the likely outcome of a more balanced parliament following this election, we can guarantee that the greater the vote for Plaid – the better the deal for Wales.”

Thats the only real choice on the ballot paper come May 6th...

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